There is a simple code for connect in 5 minutes an Arduino UNO to internet. Now you can use the Arduino Serial to debug, and the Software Serial to communicate with ESP8266. You can connect the ESP8266 to the Arduino UNO Board, and setting the SoftwareSerial library. I use ESP8266 with Arduino UNO and Cayenne. Type: AT+CIFSR the answer of ESP8266 will be: If respond with “Error”, you can try to put this command:ĪT+CWMODE=1 (click enter), after this retype AT+CWLAP, and still the list.įor the connection with your wifi lan you can type:ĪT+CWJAP=”SSID”,”Password”. The ESP8266 respond with “OK”.Īfter you can read your IP address.
The ESP8266 respond with a list of Access Points. Open the correct serial port, and try to write on text line this commands: Install CoolTerm, set the Terminal mode like Line Text Mode. Now for serial comunication on Mac OSX you can try to use CoolTerm. The connections between the ESP and the Serial/USB are the follows: This is more useful for verify if the ESP8266 module is good or is broken.įor sure if you want use this procedure you do have a serial usb adaptor.